
Sol and Chet

Art, writing, and visual novel series

Sad soup heiress meets unhinged soccer player, what happens next is history.

A slice-of-life romance about Sol and Chet, and everything they go through. Spanning from high school to the eventual next generation, they are truly my precious meowmeows.

  • Family, friendship, and becoming your own person
  • Tooth-rottingly sweet cuteness, like, they get mawwied...
  • An astounding number of AUs
The Batvenger

Art and writing

Clod Batlet, AKA the Batvenger, happens to be a vigilante hero. He also happens to have an evil uncle whose name is literally Evil.

Good and evil clash in the battle between Clod and Evil! Will the Batvenger emerge victorious against his uncle, his past, and most of all, himself?! Seriously, is he going to be okay?

  • Good versus evil
  • Heroes who aren't very heroic
  • Incredibly villainous uncles with lava pits

I still think about it sometimes

Victor crawls out of the ground and discovers he's a zombie in a post-apocalyptic world. All things considered, he takes it fairly well.

It's not that he has to save the world or anything, but he does have to stay out of the messy web of relationships between the survivors. The scientist might've caused the apocalypse (and he's still bitter about his ex), the butcher's leading a coalition against him, and there's someone pulling the strings behind it all.

  • Messy, messy relationships
  • Ending the world and looking hot doing it
  • So much pseudoscience, I do what I want
Other Stories


  • CRUSHED: SolChet kids!
  • White Noise: SolChet kids but AU and they're robots now
  • Penn, Lyon, and Rohan: the messy lesbians get their own arc