Take me back

Office AU 2

Corporate America
Office politics

Here we go again! I have more to say about this AU because of course I do. It's a very good AU. I'm very invested. (I also want to say that my previous writeup was unedited and this one shall also be unedited, mostly because I... really don't have the time! RIP!)

Character struggling with the office printer

Here is Hart struggling to use the printer. This would happen often enough to be a pain but not often enough that the company considers replacing the printer.

I also will have to eventually at some point make an entire company and organizational hierarchy and a bunch of characters for the gang to plot the downfalls of. I am procrastinating this immensely! Now let's talk about something else -

Smirking man and serious woman facing each other

Fran and Evil fascinate me. We have:

  • Exhibit A: Evil is banging her dad, who is some... higher up senior executive (job title pending because I know nothing about the company yet). I have, and I state this verbatim from my notes, "Evil and zoomer do not have weird kinky sex, they have unfulfilling but left wanting more sex. Hart and evil, on the other hand, have the potential of weird kinky sex."
  • Exhibit B: The office affair is actually rather discreet, but because Zoomer is Zoomer and is terrible in every universe, he tries to get the queer younger man off his back by... suggesting that maybe Evil should go for dinner with his daughter in R&D, she's very sensible and they're the same age and would get along immensely?
  • Exhibit C: Evil does not appreciate the suggestion but he ends up being acquaintanced with Fran anyway because Zoomer is still his boss. The two get along fairly well because they understand each other's natures.

Evil keeps his affair with Zoomer while taking his daughter to dinner occasionally (akin to acting like he's in an arranged marriage lol). His feelings for Fran are kind of complicated???

There is absolutely a universe where Fran/Evil works out, by the way, but it would have to be one where Evil/Zoomer is minimized because otherwise Evil will just keep chasing after the unattainable old guy. Because of Fran's relation to Zoomer, Evil has this pure image of her in his head and does not want to get involved, but Fran from a pragmatic standpoint just wants him to Get To It Already. She has an idea that he never will, though, which makes it all the more frustrating.

At some point, Hart will spill the beans to her and all hell will break loose and it will be glorious catharsis.

Smug woman holding paperwork

Fran is also generally pretty great because "R&D manager who wants to switch over to Marketing" is such a funny concept to me, I cannot tell you why. I think she gets very smug about finishing her work on time and absolutely has more book smarts than everyone else in the room. These book smarts are less useful than expected in any given circumstance. She also was probably one of those toxic classmates who looked over your shoulder to see your grade (because hers was better), except now she's a toxic coworker who compares project goals and has too much fun with performance reviews.

Character whispering about Fran

She does not actually do that. There are ethical codes to follow for animal experimentation, thankyouverymuch.

GRGHRH I LIKE FRAN... I THINK SHE'S COOL. Her circumstances are so weird but she is just thriving.

Slapfight between Evil and Hart with Fran watching

This seems like an appropriate segue into the EvilFranHart love (sex?) triangle! This image does not actually make sense nor happen, but it's funny? Basically, it's like...

  • Evil -> Hart: Having sex because it's fun, as a power play, and to advance his own goals (one might call it a sweetener for Hart to do work favours for him).
  • Hart -> Evil: Inconvenienced every time he has to give an office blowjob but likes it too much to not. Once made Evil kiss his (fine leather, Italian made) shoe and rode the high for days.
  • Fran <-> Evil: Explained above.
  • Hart <-> Fran: They meet through Evil and are actually work friends.

But I also think... there should be a threesome at one point... you know, for funsies...

Sketched comic between Claude and Evil

Also, Clod (Claude) is a really good IT guy. That's all, thanks.