Office AU
Literally just an AU where everyone is an a big megacorporation rife with drama, backstabbings, and so much politics.

Finance Analyst (that's how you know he's evil) Eveline Batlet, who tells everyone to call him Evil and sidesteps the fact that his parents gave him a girl's name for no apparent reason, approaches office secretary Hart Lovelace to sleep with him. What happens next is a longrunning disaster of epic proportions.
It's a dubious romance between two ambitious, underhanded men, one who is bent on making his way up the corporate ladder and the other who slowly comes to live vicariously through him. Evil has all the hallmarks of a smart, well-dressed yuppie with his slicked back hair and even slicker smile, while Hart is equally ambitious but forever bitter that an untreated nervous breakdown made him drop out of college and lose his chances in Big Business; Evil's job should've been his. The reluctant kind of seduction where the smart, pretty secretary catches Evil's eye and he maybe spreads a few rumours about Hart's propensity to sleep with people to coerce him into sleeping with him. Oh, and advancement opportunities! Except there are no advancement opportunities.

They end up plotting and scheming to advance Evil's career (because Evil is terrible but Hart is equally terrible). Featuring all kinds of mean corporate backstabbing, someone definitely gets fired, HR gets called at some point, there is general debauchery, moral dilemmas, the trolley problem shows up at one point and Evil and Hart decide to screw both tracks, an entire department comes crashing down, oh yeah, and Evil sleeps with his boss.
Evil sleeps with his boss! This is relevant because 1. he is a hypocrite 2. once, his boss tried to set him up with his daughter in R&D and he decided to go for them both 3. he's eyeing his boss' seat in upper management and has plans to usurp him 4. the sex is really good (in Evil's opinion).
The boss is Shelley, his daughter is Fran from R&D, although she wants to switch over to marketing (no one knows why, maybe she doesn't either). Things get wild when Fran, Evil, and Hart make their own little coalition to propel Evil to the top because Evil is, amongst everything, actually pretty good at seducing loyal followers. They have a little conference room that's always empty because it's in a corner no one goes to and make it their official unofficial war room for office politics.

Their dynamic really is like this. I think both Fran and Hart end up with complicated feelings for Evil, along with complicated feelings about their own amorality. Well, sort of. Once things reach a fever peak, Fran is popping the bottles, Hart wants Evil to do better, and Evil doesn't know whether he should do better or go for what he's wanted since forever. It's about the corruption and moral degradation by power seekers who incur collateral damage in pursuit of their ambitions!!!
I love them, I really do. They are my bbygirls

The side characters, most of whom I need to adjust to fit the setting. Someone needs to take the HR role... Someone else should be in Legal/Regulatory to ominously warn Evil and co. whenever they do something particularly awful.